Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Yet another year

Today as I turn a year older, I want to reflect on my past as well as my future. Truth be told, I have an AMAZING AMAZING circle. These are the people who have been with me through it all. These are the same people I would go out of my way to be of service to them. One thing for sure is that God has been ever present and I thank him for blessing me with yet another year. “Asante Mola!”
2016 is one year I will never forget. Firstly, I got married to the love of my life. This man, is the one person who has seen me at my best and at my worst. On the other hand, we have shared the good and bad times. My Mr. is one I would never ever trade for any other person in the world. I am in this with him until the very end.

The same same year, we got the most preciuos gift in the world, our little crown, born on the same day as Mr. man’s birthday. Trust me, that is one gift from me to him that will last an eternity.

I never thought a day would come when I would see less of my ‘born’ family compared to my ‘married’ family. I hope you get the drift here. Ooh well, as you read on you will understand what I mean. So now, once you get married (well, in my case), you get to spend more time with the ‘married’ family. I guess, it’s because the ‘born’ family is now tired of you being around. I joke… family can never get tired of me.

I truly have the greatest ‘married’ family I could ever wish for. My dad is just the most poised individual I know. My mum on the other hand, is just full of love; love that is ever overflowing. As for my brothers, they have been supportive all the way and I am more than blessed to have them in my life. Why lie, I love my family to the core. As the family continues to grow, I am looking forward to welcoming my sisters-in-law. Not one but two and my little niece(s) and nephew(s). I am glad I joined a family that is caring, devoted and affectionate. “His people are now my people.”

My ‘born’ family on the other hand, have been my day ones. These my people have seen me grow to the person I am today. Where to start??? My dad is one of my greatest support system. He can go hungry just to ensure my siblings and I have something on our table. After the passing of my dearest mother, dad has held our hands all the way. One thing he values is education. Again, he can go hungry or without upgrading his wardrobe and much more just to ensure he has paid school fees for each one of us. My sister ooooooh, this is one person I can turn to, any day every day. My brothers on the other hand, have always been protective of their sisters. The love I have for these gentlemen! Not forgeting my ever bubbly nephew. He is such a sweetheart. He brightens my day whenever I talk with him.

In life, it is good to know who your true friends are. So ‘they’ say! Now as an adult, I understand what ‘they’ meant. My true friends are the ones I call family and my close family are the ones I call friends. “Lord I can never tire of thanking you for these individuals in my life.”

In 2016, my friends planned a bridal shower for me then later in the year a time like this, three of my close friends baked a cake for me. Tell me that is not LOVE? These ladies are simply the best. I also have guy friends but they do not surpass the fingers on my hand.

If you know me, you know I value my circle. My life is what/how it is because of God and my people my people. I do not even want to imagine how life would be without them.

Clearly, 2016 was one great year. 2017 started on a good note and I believe this new year will be full of blessings and major strides. Happy new year to me!!!!! #AllGloryToGod #ToLove #ToFamily #ToFriends #ToGreatness

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Have you ever been in a situation where you have no clue on the next move you will make? Talk about life choices, talk about life in general.

It can be so hard being an adult. Responsibilities from all corners and trying to be the best you can possibly be. Well, such is life and nothing can be done about it. If only there was an actual machine to teleport someone to the space and place they want to be at any given time.Wishes, wishes, wishes which will never ever come true but it is always good to dream.

In life, you can never please everyone not even your close family and friends. You should always go for what you want. I mean, it is your life at the end of the day, isn't it? Be you and do you, forget about the rest of the world. However, this does not mean you live a carefree life and lose yourself while at it.

As an adult you will face a number of challenges. These challenges may range from career growth, building relationships, maintaining your status quo, staying true to your religion and the list is endless. It is human to question some things in life, however, you need not dwell on it. Life is how you perceive it and live it. You just need to be optimistic. Yes, optimism is the answer to happiness. You should always choose to be happy above all else and this will have a 'trickling effect' on the people around you.


Friday, December 5, 2014

6 Unnecessary Interview Questions

 I'm sorry to say but a number of questions asked by interviewers are simply unnecessary. I have gone for enough interviews to know how 'stupid' the questions can get.

Here are some of the questions 'they' ask:

1. Tell me something about yourself?
Truth be told, who would say anything negative about themselves? The thing that really pisses me about this particular question is the fact that it is open ended. Am I supposed to talk about my personality, skills, experiences or life in general?

2. What would you do from day to day if you got this position?
Excuse me??? I think I should get the job first then you will get to know my day to day activities. I do not want to stress thinking about a position that I do not already have. Give me a break!

3. What makes you the best candidate?
Uhmm, I haven't really interacted with the other candidates for me to know their weaknesses and strengths. Why don't you put us in a room so that we get to know each other first? Otherwise, I will be imagining things that are not really there. I mean, "Is it that interviewers want people to be 'imaginative'?"

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Oh my! This question always gets to me. Why do majority of (if not all) interviewers ask this very question? Why? Why? Why?

5. What is your salary expectation?
For crying out loud, why don't you say what you are offering then we discuss from there. I mean, why do we have to go in circles?

6. Are you willing to go above and beyond the call of duty?
I applied for a specific position. Why don't we stick to that! Why do you want to misuse me? Let me do what I am applying for and let's stick to that. I don't want to cook or clean for anyone. Don't get me wrong here, I am willing to work extra hours and do my job to the best of my ability.

Those are just some of the few unnecessary questions. I think interviewers should up their game. They should be creative instaed of sticking to the old-fashioned way of interviewing. Interviewers should change with the times; try and challenge the interviewees.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

To marry or not to marry

To marry or not to marry that is the question. After having a long chat about marriage with some ladies the other weekend I got to thinking. Am I really ready to be someone’s wife and possibly a mother? Is marriage really necessary? I had many unanswered questions that arose because of this conversation.
Jane was one of the ladies present, who is totally against marriage. According to her, marriage leads to sadness, insecurities and lies. I have never met someone who is extremely against this institution. I believe it is every ladies dream to walk down the aisle at some point in their lives.
I was actually agreeing to some of the things she was saying, well, to some extent. I concurred with the fact that marriage is uncertain. Indeed, one can never be certain whether his or her marriage will be successful after the vows, rather we are left to hope and pray for the best. We can never know wholly the intentions of the other party. Yes, your husband or wife may vow to always be by your side in good or bad times but the question is: is it really true, will he or she stick by your side when things take the worst turn? One thing for sure is that you have to be in a particular situation for you to know if your ‘better half’ meant what he or she vowed.
I called my prospective husband in the middle of the conversation with the girls to tell him I was worried about our future. I had filled him in on the conversation I was having with them and this were his exact words, “Sasa unaniambia nini? Kwani nawaoa?” (What is that you are telling me? I’m I going to marry them?). My boyfriend always has a way of making me look at things differently. He is one person I am extremely grateful for and truly cherish. It is with him that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I long for the day he will ask for my hand in marriage.
Once I got off the phone, the girls were very pissed that I actually called Mr. yet it was a girls’ talk. I didn’t get why they were fussing about the whole thing. All in all, I tried defending the institution of marriage but with little success. Jane wants to have a baby very soon minus a husband. She says the current boyfriend will be the baby daddy and that is it. Miss independent doesn’t want to be married because of the obligations that come with it. She doesn’t understand why ladies sign up to be house wives, cleaners and cooks to the so called husbands.
Currently, Jane is in a relationship and she really loves her guy. The thing is, she wants him to be the baby daddy and that is it. No marriage in the picture because she thinks that will lead into misery. On the contrary, I strongly believe that Jane will end up meeting with that one guy who will make her change her perspective on marriage. Marriage is a beautiful union, it just needs a man and woman who love and trust each other and are ready to be there for each other forever and ever.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012



 Indeed, love is life. You ought to be living in order to learn how to love. All of us need some sort of acceptance from others. One knows he or she is accepted and appreciated when others genuinely care and show some form of love.
I believe that one should truly love himself or herself. Loving oneself enables an individual to always have a high self esteem. Loving oneself unconditionally leads to one living a happy life. Happiness will attract others into your life.
Love can be complicated to some extent. This happens when one does not know how to deal with loved ones. Communication is key when it comes to matters pertaining love. You should always be willing to communicate your feelings. On the other hand, you should learn to listen and be there when others need you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Passionate about relationships.....Growing in love

Life is all about relationships. Come to think of it, every person has a relation with someone else. Otherwise we would not be alive. You have a relationship with your parents, siblings, friends, relatives and teachers. However, in this blog I will be talking about boy-girl relationships.